Saturday, 11 April 2009

Day minus 0

The accommodation on offer at the Easy Hotel London Victoria is nothing if not orange. My phone's camera cannot do justice to the trademark Easy Orange, but take my word for it, it is breathtaking. The base of the bed is also orange. As is the sink. And the shower tray. Mercifully they stopped short of installing an orange toilet, perhaps due to cost reasons. It certainly wasn't due to a surplus of good taste.

Having said all that, the room is all you need for a good night's sleep, and is considerably cheaper than a "proper" hotel. The few staff I met were all polite and courteous, and happy to help you. However, I would suggest that if you plan on staying more than a couple of nights, ensure that you get (i.e. pay for) a room with a window, as orange walls get old very quickly.

I will only be sampling the Easy delights for one night though, as the truck leaves tomorrow, 8am. Once I am out of the UK, blog updates will probably become more sporadic, as I don't know how easy it will be to post from other countries networks. We shall see.

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